ORDERS MADE 7/27-8/10 WILL SHIP 8/12


Medicinally violets are magic, but showcasing their flavors are also a joy, and this syrup aids in the delivery of their properties while enhancing their sweet flavor in an equally complex flavor composition and additional benefit of wildflower honey.

sweet violet honey syrup


Sweet Violet Honey Syrup

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Angelica Kitchen vegan dashi

We are deep in Winter here in Maine. Six more weeks of Winter reads more like 18, and while we’re itching for Spring and some warm weather to stick, it’s been so wonderful to get cozy and tune into my body’s needs during the Winter season with this remineralizing Winter dashi broth. Even if you […]

Remineralizing Winter Dashi Broth


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Winter skincare that’s truly aligned with the season, is more than skin deep. The lack of humidity and constant change in temperature, from indoors to outdoors, dehydrates our skin and can cause dryness – which in turn causes the pores to overproduce sebum, leading to skin irritation, dry scaly patches and clogged pores.  As tempting […]

The Holistic Winter Skincare Routine


Black and white image of woman

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Sarah Tyer The Muses

When I think of Sarah, there is really only one word that comes to mind – Radiance. Sarah Tyer’s effervescence’s is intoxicating. She’s like lightning in a bottle, and someone you want need to have in your corner. She’s the epitome of the IT girl, along with the humble and grounded girl next door all […]

The Muses: Sarah Tyer


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At Flora, beauty is not something to achieve but to embody. Beauty is a radiance within all of us; a message in self-care that comes from within and mirrors the inner state of our health and being.  So when we talk about beautifying, it’s an inside job. Nourishing our bodies from the inside out with […]

The Winter Beauty Elixir


hormonal balancing holiday mocktail

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Nikki Bostwick

In what seems like a lifetime ago, Nikki Bostwick and I crossed paths during a time that I imagine we were both beginning to embody our desires and dreams more fully. I was working as an instructor and course developer for a plant-based culinary academy while Nikki was a student. Even then, Nikki embodied a […]

The Muses: Nikki Bostwick

Women's Health

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Thanksgiving provides a whole host of expectations, traditions, and of course, family drama, that every holiday season we submit ourselves to willingly or unwillingly. The holidays seem to expose our best and worst selves during a time when our expectations are high and emotions higher. Sharing a meal with family is a revealing experience that […]

squashing traditions


gluten free kabocha squash custard tart

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The Muses: Rachael Harper

At the core of Flora ex Machina, there is a desire to educate, expand, uncomplicate, and unite our audience as we share our knowledge of the health and wellness world. It has been a longtime vision of mine to share the voices, musings, and expertise of those who have inspired me and have shaped my […]

The Muses: Rachael Harper

The Muses

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If you’ve been following the journey of flora ex machina, it’s no surprise that Maine is highlighted and/or the inspiration for nearly every post and recipe. When I think about the end of summer, the transition of seasons, and the cornucopia of produce, I am transported to the fields and gardens of Maine that lay […]

sweet and savory end of summer custard frittatas


summer souffles frittatas

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Spring Herbal Pesto

As we settle into the arrival of Spring, it’s the perfect time to focus on Spring detoxification for optimal health. We’ll explore the benefits of detoxifying your body during the Spring season. While our bodies are constantly detoxifying from the natural byproducts of our foods and our environment – the fact is, we are subject […]

Spring Renewal: Detoxifying and Delicious Nettle and Dandelion Pesto


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Spring, the light at the end of a dark and cold, dormant season. The days are growing longer, the air is warming and the earth begins to crack and soften to allow for fresh new growth and blooms. Highly transitory, Spring begins with a windy, muddy and heavy energy that unravels slowly and then suddenly […]

green goddess spring detox smoothie


green goddess spring detox smoothie

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making ghee

The moment you open up a jar of ghee, you’ll notice that it’s quite different than ordinary butter. It has a slightly different look to it — as well as a slightly different aroma, a different flavor, and (though you may not be able to perceive with your senses) a different nutritional profile. Butter is […]

Is Ghee the Better Version of Butter?

Wellness Tips

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