At Flora, beauty is not something to achieve but to embody. Beauty is a radiance within all of us; a message in self-care that comes from within and mirrors the inner state of our health and being. So when we talk about beautifying, it’s an inside job. Nourishing our bodies from the inside out with […]
I’ve come to think of my free time as a form of active meditation. Each activity, each meal, and conversation centering and balancing my mind, body, and spirit. This process has not only allowed my mind to ground itself, but pulls me into the present moment, creating an entire restorative experience. When it comes to […]
In honor of Valentine’s Day we’re highlighting the food of the gods, cacao, with a his and her truffle duo. Who doesn’t like chocolate, right? And if they don’t, they’re probably not to be trusted. If you have a date for this Valentine’s holiday, make sure to make both of these recipes and share them […]
When it comes to skincare, we don’t always realize just how many unnatural things we intentionally apply to our skin, hair and nails on a daily basis. These chemicals, irritants, and additives are not always easy to avoid and often they only contribute to our dependency on them. A perfect example of this is hair […]
In our eyes, there is no better way to settle into Fall than in front of a cozy fire, with a good book, a cup of tea and warm scone, after a morning filled with baking and some good company. Scone are one of my absolute favorite things in this world! Truly. And being gluten-free, […]
RH: A part of me feels this post should be titled Confessions of a Former Raw Vegan. Years ago when I made the transition to a vegan diet, and then a raw vegan diet, there were only a couple of foods that I can honestly say I really craved. When going full vegan, most people […]
I always know Fall has arrived when I begin to itch and scratch. From head to toe my scalp, fingers, arms and legs become dry and flaky for what seems almost no reason at all. I have all but begun to accept the fact that each year I will have to slather myself in oils […]
RH: Sometimes I find I can get a bit fixated on one food. It typically starts by reading about the newest superfood or delving into a book on folk medicine and recipes and the next thing I know I’ve spent too much money at the health food store and everything I eat for the following […]